Fully automatic swivel arm crimping machines for highspeed wire processing. High productivity, short changeover times, user-friendly operation and a wide range of processing capabilities from cutting, stripping and crimping to sealing, twisting, tinning and printing.
CrimpCenter 36 S
Fully automatic crimping machine for up to 6 processing stations provides economic flexibility.
CrimpCenter 36 SCrimpCenter 36 SP
Fully automatic crimping machine for up to 6 processing stations with increased performance.
CrimpCenter 36 SPCrimpCenter 64
Fully automatic crimping machine for up to 4 processing stations for maximum performance.
CrimpCenter 64CrimpCenter 67
Fully automatic crimping machine for up to 7 processing stations for maximum performance and flexibility.
CrimpCenter 67CrimpCenter 67 HD16
Fully automatic crimping machine for up to 4 processing stations for large cables up to 16 mm² (6 AWG).
CrimpCenter 67 HD16CrimpCenter ACS
Processing of long wires with coiling and binding system for CrimpCenters of the 6-series.
CrimpCenter ACSCustom CrimpCenter
Versatile, fully automatic crimping machine for customer-specific applications.
Custom CrimpCenterKM-CFK
Compacting station (resistance welding) for stranded wires from 0.5 – 6 mm² (20 – 10 AWG) for fully automatic crimping machines.
Processes loose insulated ferrules with a length of 6, 8, 10 or 12 mm.
PEC 40SealCleaner 20
Cleans and dries oily seals by tumbling with special cloths.
SealCleaner 20SLD 4100
Space-saving, fully pneumatic double gripper module for horizontal and vertical doubling (1 - 4 mm / 0.039 - 0.157").
SLD 4100SLU 3000
Sealing station for CrimpCenter series. Processes a wide range of weather seals. Optional seal-check available.
SLU 3000STS 1100
Tinning station for lead-free tinning with integrated fluxing. Suited for all models of the CrimpCenter series.
STS 1100STW 1100
The STW 1100 twisting station twists conductor ends of stranded wires and is typically used in conjunction with the STS 1100 tinning station.
STW 1100ToolingShuttle 30
Change crimp applicator (tooling), terminal reel and paper winder in less than 60 seconds with Plug & Crimp™.
ToolingShuttle 30ToolingShuttle 61
Change crimp applicator (tooling), terminal reel and paper winder in less than 30 seconds with Plug & Crimp™.
ToolingShuttle 61ToolingShuttle System (TSS)
The ToolingShuttle System (TSS) is a modular system to minimize downtime of CrimpCenter fully automatic crimping machines. Complete setup of crimp applicator, t...
ToolingShuttle System (TSS)UniCrimp 221
Crimping station with manual crimp height adjustment designed for high speed production on CrimpCenter series machines
UniCrimp 221UniCrimp 222
Crimping station with automatic crimp height adjustment designed for high speed production on CrimpCenter series machines.
UniCrimp 222UniCrimp 500 A
Heavy duty crimping station with 5 tons of press force for use with the CrimpCenter 67 HD16.
UniCrimp 500 A